Brighte Finance

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Brighte Finance
120,000+ sustainable improvements financed by Brighte

Borrow up to $45,000
Simple fortnightly repayments
2,200+ Accredited Installers
Fast Credit Approval

Why choose Brighte?

With Brighte, you can make a difference today, and pay over time

  • Make your home more energy efficient
  • Generate your own electricity with a solar system
  • Electrify your home by replacing gas appliances

Award-winning finance

  • 0% Interest Payment Plan
    For energy efficient upgrades such as solar and batteries, and for home improvement projects.
  • Brighte Green Loan
    For energy efficient products such as solar, batteries, solar hot water, and solar heating and cooling.
  • Brighte Personal Loan
    For home improvement projects, such as decking, landscaping, plumbing, outdoor blinds and more.